One- on- one consultant


Get a well structured road-map from the expert in your field

Who should work with a business consultant?

Anyone who wants to transform their Move from the top 50% to the top 10%.
Wnats to be accountabke and is serious about getting to the next level of their business.
From LeBron James & Michael Jordan to Bill Gates & Steve Jobs, the best of the best have a coach.
A coach isn’t there to JUST help you achieve your initial goals…your coach is with you along the
way, continually pushing you and your team to achieve greater results, faster!
Everyone at the top of their game has a coach…why don’t you?
ELITE Is An Investment In Growth
Typically, programs with this level of access and 1-on-1 support come with a steep price tag attached…

Just for comparison, the closest you can come to this ELITE experience is to join our 100-member mastermind, which starts at $30,000 per year and has a waiting list.ELITE Is Unlike Any Other “Training” Program You’ve Experienced BEFORE ELITE Is An Investment In Growth Typically, programs with this level of access and 1-on-1 support come with a steep price tag attached…
Just for comparison, the closest you can come to this ELITE experience is to join our 100-member mastermind, which starts at $30,000 per year and has a waiting list.
ELITE Is An Investment In Growth Typically, programs with this level of access and 1-on-1 support come with a steep price tag attached…

Why should work with a business consultant?

Anyone who wants to transform their
Let me ask you a question (or 3)…
How many modules sit unopened in the course you’ve bought over the years?
How many unfilled worksheets & templates do you have wasting away in your “downloads”?
How many pages of notes do you have collecting “digital dust” and haven’t been looked at since theday you took them?
Our ELITE coaches will help you…
PINPOINT UNIQUE GOALS – Build a proprietary Growth Scorecard that tracks the metrics that matter, and highlights all the hidden opportunities for growth. Get crystal clear where to set goals unique to your business for predictable growth.

IDENTIFY BOTTLENECKS – Gain clarity on how customers are acquired and how your business can  grow. You’ll see EXACTLY where the bottlenecks are in your marketing and figure out how to clarify  your messaging.
Specific projects and activities to accomplish YOUR stated goals.

ELITE is NOT another hack or tactic. Yes, we will give you access to dozens of playbooks and tactics, but the goal of this program is to SLAY shiny object syndrome…not encourage it.
So if what you have tried in the past hasn’t worked, and you’re ready for something different, then  ELITE is for you

Result to aspect

SLAY SHINY OBJECT SYNDROME – Design a custom 90-Day Marketing Plan that focuses your business objectives, slays “shiny object syndrome,” and ensures the right projects get executed in the right sequence.
INCREASE REVENUE – Build a marketing and customer acquisition system that works on autopilot so
that you can focus on growing your business at the pace you want…and that’s exactly what you’ll have in 90-days or less.
During each ELITE weekly coaching call, you’ll get direct advice from your coach, feedback from your peers, and the accountability you need to achieve the goals you set for yourself. By using DigitalMarketer’s unique approach to marketing, priority strategies, tools, and tactics you will be able to build a
custom, scalable “marketing machine”, break through YOUR specific barriers…and, most importantly, DOUBLE your sales.

During each ELITE weekly coaching call, you’ll get direct advice from your coach, feedback from your peers, and the accountability you need to achieve the goals you set for yourself. By using DigitalMarketer’s unique approach to marketing, priority strategies, tools, and tactics you will be able to build a custom, scalable “marketing machine”, break through YOUR specific barriers…and, most importantly,
DOUBLE your sales.